Luca had been sitting there thinking about his next plans. He was never able to experience the Animus he had been hearing so much about. He actually couldn't wait to give it a shot. He was truly excited. He was hoping his partner would be a good person. He was eager to see him or her. He waited a few moments before getting up. Just before he had moved he had heard a lady start opening the door. They were going to be partners? Really? Her of all people? It must've been a really bad joke. His heart sank and he felt depression starting to set in. His throat felt tight. He sighed and turned away. He didn't want to deal with this. All the excitement he had all dissipated into nothing. Why did he have to have her as a partner. A second later she said "Luca." He cringed as she said it. Once it was a word he had loved to hear come from her voice, now it was a word of heartbreak, and remorse. He wish he hadn't committed so much feeling and love to her. Betrayal. Hatred. He never felt something like that with someone. 'Why the hell did it have to be her?' He thought. "Yeah. I guess we're partners." He managed to say. It felt like a challenge to say anything right now. He wanted to cry and just leave. He wanted nothing to do with her. At all. He didn't want to hear her bullshit excuses in why she did what she did. He could've cheated on her several times but she out weighed all options. It was obvious she chose someone else over what they had. It was hurtful and he didn't want to deal with it. "Don't say my name again." He said shaking his head. "What do you want?" He didn't care about what she had to say, cause she wouldn't have anything good to say anyway. He was just polite even when he shouldn't be. He was raised to be a good man and apparently good people are rare now days.