[center][h2][color=red][u] [color=white]☬[/color] [b]Ira[/b] [color=white]☬[/color] [/u] [color=red][sup][sup][i]Current [color=white]Location:[/color] Hell[/i][/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/UKdGHlR.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img] https://s16.postimg.org/gads5qrdh/image.png[/img][/center] And there they were. The Demons fresh from Hohenheim’s Castle had arrived to her throne room as per instruction. There weren’t many to be honest, only Henry and Sliske actually taking the time to visit her in person. Though as the new ruler of Hell, she could sense those that would sow distrust in that which she wished to achieve. This was no power of hers, simply an acknowledgement of the way Hell functioned as a society. The strong consumed the weak after all, and down here, she could already feel the malice directed towards her. Good. Let them come with their armies and schemes; it would serve them a good reminder of why she was sitting in the throne and they were not. Already she could a certain chilly academic was rallying forces together, though this only meant more failures in Hell’s future against the other two Factions. But back to the present moment. Ira nodded towards Henry words, motioning for his dismissal. He had given his verbal binding and that was more than enough. The real problem would be Sliske and, if she bothered to show up, Victoire. Even so, a plague of what ifs and what could have been could not have saved the sharp-tongued Demon from letting his own personal thoughts get the better of him. Ira’s masked gaze bored down into Sliske as if to consider her words before she spoke at last. [color=ed1c24]“Make no mistake tactician. King Rufus left of his own accord; I’d send you the letter of proof for confirmation, but frankly your shoddy behavior these last few battles have made me skeptical in trusting you with them. Not that creatures of Hell can facilitate trust to begin with.”[/color] She considered his new few words, even tilting her head at the extended hand. [color=ed1c24]“Bargaining for purpose to me? That seems below even you Sliske,”[/color] Ira said before crossing her legs. She had acted like she had just sat back down; and in reality, she had, because the sound of her blade being stored in its sheath filled the throne room. Sliske would find his extended hand of “greeting” to be nothing but a stump now, the actual hand writhing about in an unsightly manner at Ira’s booted feet. However, his punishment wasn’t over yet, and a spray of black flames had completely overtaken what little remained the stump. [color=ed1c24]“Consider that my best condolences to you Sliske. No matter how many times you try to regenerate, the black flames will continue to eat away at your hand. No doubt it will probably hurt with each time; but back to our conversation. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t make the rest of your body burn and align Hell’s forces under Victoire’s command?”[/color] Back in the Machina Capital of Hyperion, a certain human was walking about, her steps leading her to the firing range. Bastion had heard snippets of the last battle from various other soldiers but she wanted to hear it directly from her friend. As such, she was surprised to find Tatiana levitating some blocks at the firing range, eyes widening. [color=0072bc]“Whoah! So cool!”[/color] she said, running over to her friend. [color=0072bc]“Where’d you learn to do that?”[/color] [hr] [center][@Lmpkio], [@floodtalon], [@Mega Birb], [@Awesomoman64], [@KoL], [@Flamelord][/center]