[b]Tartys[/b] The sudden applause did not prove to completely stop Tartys, though it did take her off guard. But she composed herself to finish with a last strumming note before looking towards the talkative audience member, who seemed vibrant, rough, and energetic. The way he quickly leapt down to begin speaking to her indicated as such, though she did notice that some of the rest of the audience didn't approve of that and were already moving to leave. Shaking her head, fingers gently brushed against the strings of the harp as she took a brief pause in her playing. "No," she confirmed. "It was a gift for recent successes." Well, that was what she would like to imagine it was anyways. Doubtlessly Hohenheim had some other purpose in mind, but who was she to fathom the mind of the mad scientist? The song request did earn a light smirk, if only because of how familiar it sounded to her. "Sadly I am not that sort of purveyor. I would suggest checking with the dwarves," she offered, before resuming her song. This would be in a lighter volume though, to allow them to continue talking if this angel wanted to do so. She'd had her share of drunken shenanigans in recent days, and had no real desire to encourage it at the moment. [@The 42nd Gecko][@Inner Demon] [hr] [b]Tatiana Lorenz[/b] Tatiana was busy preparing the next test for herself when she found the familiar face approaching her once again, with Bastion impressed by the display of power that Tatiana had just done on the range. Seeing the arrival of her friend, it brought an end to the test for the moment, though she did not feel bad about interrupting it. There would be plenty of time to practice later. "Good morning," she said as she turned to face Bastion, lowering her hand as she relaxed against the table next to her. She was feeling much better than previously, if only since she had come out alive, and it allowed her to wonder on other factors, such as the shock her friend had. Surely this wasn't that unusual, for a member of the Machina. Even she had seen odder things. "A gift from the Mad Scientist," she explained smoothly. "She found some way to amplify my latent psionic abilities, which were further improved through neural augments. At the moment I'm just experimenting to see what the extent of my new powers are." Telekinesis obviously, in addition to what she could do before, but the rest she wasn't entirely sure on it. "How are you doing?" [@TheWindel]