[i]So, Miss Robins, are you Canadian military? Toronto Air division maybe? I would have thought a Canadian Ace would have ended up working for Roland Shaw or something, did you hear he is putting a new Sky Warriors team together?[/i] Alex looked up to the governor, shaking her head gently. Oh how he was far off from where she came from. [color=9e0b0f][i] “If you’re so interested, Mister Rhodes. While I wish I had the pride to say I was in the military, my past is a little more on the darker side of things. You may recall seeing my name on the prison roster here in New York.” [/i][/color]She paced over to the wall and leaned back on it, rolling her shoulders and neck before speaking once again. [color=9e0b0f][i] “I was arrested for smuggling illegal goods across the border from Canada. Drugs, weapons, documents. You name it, I would take it if the right price was paid.”[/i][/color] Alex seemed to take pride in her trade, having the look of a criminal about her. From her black leather jacket to the numerous sets of dog tags-- presumably from fallen enemies, hung from her neck. [color=9e0b0f][i] “Where I was born, we mined gypsum and uranium for the prospectors that had all but taken the town hostage. Not the glory and pay that comes from a military life.” [/i][/color] she sighed, motioning to the Governor’s above average outfit and furniture. [color=9e0b0f][i] “And Roland Shaw? Not a chance. I’m only here because it’s better than rotting in a cell. The glory and saving lives bullshit? That can stay with him and his damn freedom fighters.” [/i][/color]