[@Mistiel] and like I was saying, the people that are at the forefront of the alt right (i.e. Sargon of Akkad, and supposedly Rags? Never heard of him but he's probably ok) are not really the ones that should be claiming they stand for the alt right, considering that the alt right began as a memey practical joke. Sure, their views may align with the alt right, but that doesn't mean that the alt right didn't start and, still is in the majority, just a bunch of shitposters. Having a bunch of intelligent people in there doesn't negate the fact that the alt right is more or less a practical joke. And if you're not in on the joke, then congratulations, you're a peon. Now let's enjoy some Shadilay. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNriNoWOtXA[/youtube]