[quote=@Mistiel] Also, the "alt right" is just that: alternative conservatism. It just means they don't agree with EVERY facet of conservatism. They might have some liberal ideas. They might take a page out of the libertarian playbook (woot!). When a loose group of people is considered by society to be "alternative", it just means that they don't really fit the mold for any other group. There are alt liberals, alt libertarians, alt Greens, et cetera. [/quote] You are just describing a conservative, straight up. It's not like people who identify with this political movement or that political movement have to identify with the whole thing. You can be a conservative who is okay with gay marriage, or a conservative who believes in global warming. In those cases you are still a conservative, if most of what you believe is essentially conservative. For instance, I'm pretty solidly left wing. But I agree with the Republican stance on guns. That doesn't make me "Alt-Left". If that's the way it worked, everyone would be alt-X, because only tools agree completely with one side of the political line. In this case you are being exactly like those people who claim they have discovered a new gender, because they are attracted to different things about the opposite sex, or they don't like watching one particular type of tv show associated with gender stereotypes, or whatever. Because they don't fit all of one particular stereotype, they think they are something new, when in reality they are just one specimen of the old thing. The only people I've seen turn the alt-right into an workable term for their movement, rather than just something for them to masturbate to how different and special they are compared to their grandparent's conservatism, is the Richard Spencer types. Soft-Nazi's and shit. The people trying to reclaim Neo-Nazism from prison gangs and conspiracy-addled mountain compounds, and introduce it into respectable society. Because in their case, they can legitimately claim to be part of something "alternative" to the traditional political movements. At least in the United States. So at this moment, I suppose that's my personal working definition for the term. Alt Right means either a young conservative trying to announce a sort of special snowflake status because they listen to, like, Sargon of Akkad instead of Rush Limbaugh, or they are cleaned up neo-nazis caught up in the entire death of white culture meme.