Aaaand, I'm back! (for now) [quote=@ADParis] Hoping that my post doesn't throw a wrench into anything. Just felt like I needed to get my damn post [i]out[/i] already. ouo'''' [/quote] you're good! that'll actually make it a bit easier for me, I suppose :P I'll have the AshTribe post up soon! I actually mean it, this time! [quote=@Ambra] So... I'm not sure what to do. Lyra seems to have poofed, and Wolfmask and everyone else is stuck. :( EDIT: Oh, so Lyra is back after all. What should I do then? Just have Flamestorm and Nightpaw meet up with whoever? (still a little confuzzled on that). [/quote] With Flamestorm and Nightpaw, it is up to you to write out a narrative for how they dealt with the adder issue they were assigned to. The decision was to give the player(s) control of the situation, because there really isn't a whole lot that the GMs would do, other than play the snake, but that would only go so far. For your particular adder, you'll be dealing with a large Rainbow Boa that has been killing a good deal of prey around the Crooked Tree, and is the proud father of a group of smaller adders which the removers will be dealing with after Flamestorm and Nightpaw return. It isn't even entirely necessary to type out the fight scene, so long as you go over what happened and if there was any damage done to your cats.