[@HereComesTheSnow] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - "Student Counselor", Armoury[/b] I let out a small sigh. It really does get annoying, being mistaken for just another brat. And even when I've corrected them on how old I am, just being [i]seen[/i] as some wee, fresh-faced lassie means that it's harder for people to take me, and my opinions, as seriously as they should. It's not like my opinions are really worth that much, but even so it's bloody frustrating having the few suggestions I throw out sometimes dismissed simply because of some superficial assumption about the strength of my ideas based on how I look. Being eternally youthful in appearance sounds pretty wizard at first, but don't fall for their lies, it's a real bugger to deal with. I wouldn't have this problem if I looked more Goodwitch's ... age? I dinnieken how old that woman is at all, but at least she doesn't look like a quine. Anyway, this Luke brat. "[color=d8bfd8]I'm the student counselor,[/color]" I say. Well, that's not all I do, you know? But it's probably the part of the job description that he'll need to deal with the most. We're vapid creatures, and if it doesn't apply to us, we just don't give a damn about it. It's a shame, but in the end you just need to deliver the most relevant information first. "[color=d8bfd8]I teach about Dust Applications too.[/color]"