[color=f6989d][h3][center]Měihóu Niángniang[/center][/h3][/color] [hider=Current Appearance] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1310/i/2015/105/a/f/journey_to_the_west___sun_wukong_by_deepmazenta-d8a126p.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=f6989d]"Drat! That's what I get for going off half-baked program I never really stress tested!"[/color] She snaps a finger in irritation at the reveal that Alex and Angela weren't related. Měihóu was unaware of Alex's seal, and when he began striking, she thought he perhaps was breaking through with finesse and skill. Monkey, on the other hand simply kept up her stride, smashing through the wall to the side of the secret door like it was so many thin panes of drywall. [color=f6989d]"Most people don't talk to their normal relics, most view them as an extension of their will, because they are."[/color] Monkey added as she saw Alex's surprise at her deduction. [color=f6989d]"And if they're still anything like how they were in life, I bet."[/color] She agreed. [color=f6989d]"Měihóu Niángniang's the name."[/color] Měihóu said with an appreciative nod of the head. [color=f6989d]"But some call me Monkey, and I don't mind at all."[/color] She added, flourishing her tail a bit more than necessary for running away. Raising a hand, her cloud had finished returning to her, turning back into her real staff, as she tossed the imitation one she was carrying in case she needed a melee weapon away. [color=f6989d]"Huh, that was a super quick return, the other relics must be nearby. Guess all the relics are trying to have a reunion to fight old beasty round two, or one of those other destiny things. One of the things I hate forgetting the most is what beasty looked like. I'd think I'd think to remember something like that."[/color] [@Flamelord][@TheWindel]