Name: Sarah Brandford Age: 20 Sex: Female Type: Normal Human/Unawakened Newtype Century of origin: Future Century (G-Gundam) Appearance: Standing at an even 6 foot, with green eyes, blonde, shoulder length hair. Reasonably good looking and built like an athlete. She dresses in a 'tomboy' manner, due to her being pretty active, ether outdoors or in some other pursuit where a dress or any other feminine clothing would only be a hindrance. Personality: Sarah is a tomboy. She likes to be out outdoors, or in a scrap or just generally doing something, and since she took up martial arts, training as well. She's pretty mellow most the time, and generally difficult to anger, but can easily get tunnel vision when fighting some one equal or better then her, however her naturally calm state mean she has easy access to Shining Gundam's Super mode. Suit: GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam [img][/img] History: Sarah was born on Earth in Neo America, to a family of decently well off, by Earth standards salvagers. Her family moved around a lot so she didn't have many friends out side the crew her family ran with. She was in her mid teens when her family made the greatest find they'd have, before, and even after. The remains of Neo Japan's Shining Gundam. There was a lot of debate as to what to do with the broken Gundam. It was discovered the Gundam it self was still largely functional and would be fairly easy to get back to 100% all things considered, and a fully functional Gundam would be easier to sell then a broken one that needed work. So it was decided to repair it then sell it off. By this time, Sarah was learning martial arts from one of the crew, a German man named Gregory so she severed as the test pilot to help iron out the system bugs while Gregory trained her. While training/working out the kinks in the system, she grew to love the Gundam and tried to persuade them to keep it, but, as her father pointed out, there was no use for it, and it was worth more on the auction block then rusting in a hanger. Fortunately for Sarah, the Fates had other plans....