[hider=WIP] [center] [img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11419216_1023147267725236_1899188757_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAwNzI3MjU0MDYyOTE1NDcyMQ%3D%3D.2[/img] [h1][i][color=fff79a]Marth Carter[/color][/i][/h1] [i]Age: 16 Gender: Male Orientation: heterosexual Mage or Familiar: Familiar Ability: Partner: [/i] [h1][color=fff79a][i]Personality[/i][/color][/h1] Marth on his surface can be known to be a very aloof person, when he meets someone new he likes to observe and analyze ones personality before deciding whether or not to interact with them if not required of him, by his natural personality aloof he can also be blunt at times since he doesn't like sugar coating much at all. It takes a little bit for him to warm up but once he sees you as a friend is a loyal one, he will stand up for his friends and himself if in trouble. When he gets comfortable with someone his friendly side is exposed and he jokes around, laughs, and smiles more, he will always have his friends back and will make sure they are in good condition. Though a pascifist at heart, when Marth is angry he tends to black out and will rampage recklessly with little concern for his self. When something is bothering him a lot he will be silent and seclude himself from his friends. Marth is open to trying new things as long as little risk is involved. Despite his childhood he still stays ambitious and has big dreams that he knows he can make reality. [h1][color=fff79a][i]Biography[/i][/color][/h1]Being born into an incredibly wealthy and powerful family, the Carter family is a rather dominant family who's main claim to fame is their output of strong and competent mages and familiars who are known for their proficient abilities. Known as a family of mercenaries, they are contracted all over the place for a multitude of tasks. In his early life his mother passed away while on a bounty job, after the passing away of his father grew into a bitter man being a lot more strict towards his children, Marth got it the worst since was the only one out of the 8 who had yet to manifest his ability. His father had set up and tried all kinds of methods to use on his son to awaken his potential but eventually he was running out of patience, soon all the attention Marth had been receiving diminished and shifted over towards his other 7 siblings in order to prepare them to be proficient and competent in the family business. Marth felt as if it was his fault that he couldn't manifest his ability and felt as if he had to take it on himself in order to reach his potential, as the days went by and his siblings grew stronger, Marth had yet to even begin that path ,they teased, bullied, and made fun of him. He confronted his father and made a final request to him to send him to St. Fortunas Acadrmy for Higher Arts in hopes of waking up the power within, his father accepted but with a catch and that was that Marth would not be inheriting anything from him and that he would have to pay off all the money in the future. Marth abided by the stakes and prepared to attend the Acadeny. His first year went well but he still hadn't awakened his ability, the second year was right around the corner. Hopefully it will be a different story. Likes~ Food Humor Video games Good influences Learning new things Positive people Dislikes~ Pointless conflict Negative people Cocky people Large risks Points~ Proficiency: 0 Intelligence: 5 Athletics: 5 [hider=Familiar quiz] 1. What is your character's greatest regret? Not spending more time with his mother 2. Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do? Grab an object Thet is capable of serious damage and checking out the situation. 3. Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this? Weighing each of the characters point of view and clearly stating why each of them are upset then putting his 2 cents in. 4. While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do? Go back and get the item, better to be late then to receive a terrible grade. 5. If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be? An eagle, he admires their visual abilities, strength, and freedom. 6. If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be? A picture of him and his family before his mother passed away 7. What season does your character like best and why? Spring because of the nice weather and blooming plants. 8. Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do? Marth would like to spend a week in foreign land to observe and study the differences and similaritis in how people live compared to himself. [/hider] Password: Tacoo! [/center] [/hider]