[hider=Clyde Lee] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WnJKKHI.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5cldXy0.png[/img][/center] [sub][color=FFC000]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent]Clyde stands at 6'2 with a large body for a boy his age. He weighs around 195 pounds of pure muscle and has lightly tanned skin. His dark hair is usually kept in a wild mess like a lion's mane and his eyes seemingly fixed on a lazy stare. He is considered by most to be an unattractive man by conventional standards. His eyes are a bit too large for his head and his ears stick out comically. Has a tattoo of a fish hook on his right deltoid that is always concealed by his clothes.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]16 YEARS OF AGE[/color] [color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]MALE[/color] [color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]HETEROSEXUAL[/color] [color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]FAMILIAR[/color][/center] [sub][color=FFC000]A B I L I T Y[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent][b][Flash Prescience][/b] A rare psychic ability, that allows instinctive knowledge of an enemy’s move (1 second without training or mage assistance).[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]P A R T N E R[/color][/sub][hr] [sub][color=FFC000]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent]Cool as a cucumber and laid back like a recliner are ways to describe Clyde. Or at least his outer shell. In truth, Clyde is a rather emotional child on the inside and often misunderstands those around him. He tends to avoid confrontation when it concerns himself, allowing others to bully him physically or verbally. But if those close to him are threatened, he sheds away his outer shell revealing a fierce monster underneath. However, a good ol' fashioned apology goes a long way. Clyde tries his best to not hold grudges. He enjoys the company of others and does his best to speak to new faces. But he is a bit awkward with his words and clumsy ways. The boy takes pride in his own physical abilities preferring to not rely on his abilities if necessary, which is why he enjoys lifting at the gym. Clyde has a problem speaking to any female or those with feminine appearances. His words become stuttered and his focus becomes a bit lost. This is prevalent with women his own age or close to it. He has an easier time speaking to much older or younger women such as teaching staff, children, or parents. He also has a hard time expressing his emotions which is why he keeps such a calm and chilled demeanor. The boy has a habit of over talking, being too nosy, or giving people unwanted nicknames.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]B I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Clyde Lee comes from a wealthy family with riches based upon the fishing industry in Colbar (his hometown). As a young lad, he and his siblings would often go down to the ocean and fish their days away. Spending his days under the sun, Clyde grew into a strong boy able to haul in large creatures from the waters and carry heavy loads upon his shoulders. His family is made of strong mages and familiars that were very supporting of one another. His parents and siblings take pride in their magical or ability finesse whereas Clyde was always a bit different. The boy loved to work with his hands and perform without the aid of abilities or magic. Because of this attitude, Clyde spend many hours working out or pushing his body to peak performance. He also spent many hours practicing his favorite sport, boxing. Thus, the majority of his stories consist of beasts he hunted, fish he caught, and tales of bravado in the face of danger. Generations of his family attended Saint Fortuna's Academy, and thus came Clyde's turn. Coming from a wealthy family certainly made the process easy and Clyde has definitely kept up with his studies to be granted admittance. He hopes to make his family and future partner proud.[/indent][/indent] [color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]Likes[/color] [sub][indent][indent]BOXING[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]LIFTING AT THE GYM[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]SPORTS[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]STRENGTH[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]FISHING[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]THE OCEAN[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]OPEN AIR[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]NICE PEOPLE[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]STRONG OPPONENTS[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]NICKNAMES[/indent][/indent][/sub] [color=FFC000]◆[/color] [color=808080]Dislikes[/color] [sub][indent][indent]MEAN PEOPLE[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]PERSONAL WEAKNESS[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]CLOSED SPACES[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]DRY AIR[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]ARROGANCE[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]EXCESSIVE VANITY[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]PETTINESS[/indent][/indent][/sub] [sub][indent][indent]DISAPPOINTMENT[/indent][/indent][/sub] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=6ecff6]P O I N T S[/color][/h3][/center] [sub][center][color=FFC000]10 TOTAL[/color][/center][/sub] [indent][table=bordered] [row][cell][center]PROFICIENCY[/center][/cell][cell][center]INTELLIGENCE[/center][/cell][cell][center]ATHLETICS[/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center]2[/center][/cell][cell][center]3[/center][/cell][cell][center]5[/center][/cell][/row] [/table][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]M I S C[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Despite having a strict diet regiment, Clyde has a massive sweet tooth.[/indent][/indent] [hider=Quiz Answers] [sub][color=FFC000]1. What is your character's greatest regret?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] When he was a child, Clyde witnessed his friend drowning in the ocean. The only thing he did was cry and call for help. He regretted not having the strength to swim for his friend. He blames himself for the death of his friend and makes it a point to always help a person in need.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]2. Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Investigate! Nerves are running high, and there is danger in the air, but Clyde is a master of his own domain.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]3. Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] In Clyde's experience, nothing good ever comes about saying things to hurt someone else. Calm minds and chilled vibes is a good peacemaker. The point of an argument is not to “win”, but to make both parties understand the other point.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]4. While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Ride it out, man. Bite the bullet instead of being tardy. It is much better to ask for forgiveness and work with what you have.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]5. If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Bush Elephant. They look so strong and carefree. Their sense of community and family really appeals to Clyde.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]6. If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] A box of photographs or a scrap book. Possessions are trivial and replaceable. Memories are important.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]7. What season does your character like best and why?[/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Summer. Warm air, clear skies, and the fish are always biting. Go in the morning when the air is cool and you've got a good start to a day.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFC000]8. Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do? [/color][/sub][hr][indent][indent] Somewhere that is famous for their baked goods. Though Clyde tries his best to keep it a secret, he always wanted to tour a place where he can eat sweets to his heart's content.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/hider]