[@onenote][@Invader Len][@The Errorist]Sorry for double post, but I forgot to put the mentions on the last one, so here it is again, just in case it gets buried or something. [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] Korrigan 'Korrey' Umbraisis [b]Image or Description:[/b][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7d/12/49/7d124974366d982e79def95b53e6c719.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Orientation:[/b] Straight [b]Mage or Familiar:[/b] Familiar [b]Ability:[/b] N/A [b]Partner:[/b] (Leave this blank until your partner is announced) [b]Personality:[/b] Generally described as ‘upbeat’, ‘happy’, and ‘only scary on the outside’, Korrey is a happy-go-lucky guy who is always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when it may go against his better judgement. Not only that, but Korrey can also be described as a bit of an adrenaline junkie, always on the look-out for the next new and exciting stunt or event to catch his eye. [b]Biography:[/b] Korrey came from a little less than nothing, a street urchin from Erridún struggling to make ends meet, while also doing his pest to not get dragged into picking-pockets for the local crime bosses of his district, though that led to many a day with little in his gut but bile, stomach acid, and hopelessness. Still, dire as his circumstances were, he never let it get to him. He always tried to keep his mind focused on the positives, convinces that his luck would change any day. And one day, they did just that, as he did managed to get into a nice boarding school after stopping some old man from getting attacked in the street from some thugs by making it seem like the police were on there way, then helping the old man get back on his feet. That old man, he’d later find out, was the grandfather of one of the bigger crime family heads, who soon took Korrey in after hearing about his good deed. Being 12 years old at the time, Korrey fortunes took a swift turn as his patron quickly sought to cleaning him up and giving him an education in exchange for saving his dully respected grandfather. It was during these four years that it’d be made clear that Korrey was quite the talented student, quick on the upkeep whether it be his studies or sports. The only place where he seemed to struggle was using his abilities. Even for a Familiar without a Mage, his displays of power were considerably pitiful. Still, with years of catching up to do, he showed a strange, single minded-determination to succeed, wanting to prove his patron proud, even if he didn’t approve of their less-than-legal business ventures. No matter how well hidden his patron tried to keep their criminal activties from the boy, he was able to soon pick out the pieces and fit them into a proper picture. However, he never let on to it, nor informed the police or Adventure guilds of his knowledge. A good citizen is what Korrey always strived to be, but what kind of man would he be if he turned in the man who had given him some many opportunities, as well as a huge family to call his own. Throw both his work ethic, determination, and skill, and his patron’s wide wealth of resources and favors, Korrey managed to make it into St. Fortuna, though to say his first year was a bit of a challenge would be an understatement. Not only were the courses extremely difficult, but the culture shock hit him like a bus, with many of the other kids being somewhat put off by his tendency to curse, make the occasional offensive joke, and over-all casual nature for which he seemed to treat everything. Even his first partner seemed to think his admittance here a mistake, and tended to try and have as little to do with him as possible, despite his attempts to placate. As such, he barely managed to pass through his first year, but instead of discouraging him, he simply let it all roll of his back, determined to make this next go around a hell of a lot better. [b]Likes:[/b] Sword-fighting, Sparring, Martial Arts, Scaring/surprising people, Reading, hanging out in the shade, Sky-diving, Snow-boarding, Adventuring(wants to be part of an adventuring guild more than anything else) [b]Dislikes:[/b]Bullies, Moths, bugs, getting wet, People who judge others without trying to get to know them, Sitting still for long stretches of time, His foster family’s side business [b]Points:[/b] [b]Proficiency:[/b]1 [b]Intelligence:[/b]5 [b]Athletics:[/b]4 [b]Misc.:[/b] [list][*]His appearances is tied to his ability and he’s kinda touchy about it. [*]Doesn’t curse a heck of a lot, but probably more than most due to how he was raised [*]Is a bit of a romantic [*]Is also kind of shy around girls [*]Allergic to pollen, causes his powers to flare up [*]Likes to keep a fake-sword on his person when on his free time off-school grounds(and when on the grounds if allowed) so that he can spontaneously burst into sparring [*]Has a pet snake named Festus and a pet bearded lizard named Vulcan [*]The connections between his patron and organized crime aren’t widely known at the moment, though some due speculate. It’s currently believe that the head of the family is just your average wealthy businessman, with their business being medical research on the creation of new drugs to help cure diseases or ease pain. [*]Also, unless you would want it too, the crime side of his family would never factor into the RP at all except for him having a bit of anxiety over the connection being found out and the possibility of him accidentally spilling this rather huge secret to someone, which would definitely ruin his chances at staying at the school, I’d think. [/list] [b]Quiz Answers:[/b][hider=Familiar Quiz] [b]1. What is your character's greatest regret? “Uh. . . dunno, never really think about stuff like that. I mean, if you spend time thinkin’ on what you should’ve done in the past, that takes time away from thinking about what you’re gonna do in the present. I mean, if that’s how you want to spend your time on earth, you do you. Me? I’ve got a half-pipe with my name on it in 5 minutes.” 2. Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do? *picks up Festus, then picks up a bat* “If any burgler or monster things he’s getting the drop on me, he’s got another thing comin’, right Festus?” *Hisss* “That’s my boy, now let’s get this chump and show them what’s what!” 3. Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this? “Oi, Oi, OI!!! Ya fuckin’ knuckle heads, why don’t ya cut it out, ya? You’re really going to waste time arguing about this now? We’ve got class in five, and more importantly, it’s not that big of a deal. Life is too short to get worked up on little things like this, so let’s suck it up and go already. I ain’t going to get yelled at because you two fuckers don’t know how to settle things like civilized people.” 4. While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do? *takes deep breath* “Let’s do this!” *Turns around and books it back to the dorm as fast as they can* 5. If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be? “Damn, that’s a real, fuckin’ head-scratcher, that is. Uh. . . I think I’d want to be something fierce, yet regal, nay, noble. A beast that surveys everthing with a fine air of badassery, yet can let loose at any moment. . . like a Dragon! Or a Tiger! No, wait. . . tiger-dragon. Yep, going to be a tiger-dragon. . . That’s not a thing, you say? Well, you never specified it had to be a real animal so . . . still counts.” 6. If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be? “Festus and Vulcan. Fuck everything else, I’m saving my babies!! Like hell I’m only choosing one of them, I don’t care if I come out looking like a fuckin’ roast ham, I ain’t leaving either of my lil’ buddies to cook if I can help it.” 7. What season does your character like best and why? “Summer, cause it’s the best time to do anything, plus there’s no school, which means more time to myself or to hang out with my friends.” 8. Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do? “Why just choose anyone place when I can go world trotting. I’d probably try to go all over Pyrin, or at least as much of it as I realistically could, try and take in the sights, feel the breeze, etc.etc. Like, really, why limit yourself?” [/b][/hider] [b]Password:[/b] “Meat. Give me some big, juicy, delicious slices of any kind of meat, and I’m as happy as can be.” [/hider]