[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Down time in Fort Breda[/h2][/center] With the bay and APC cleaned and the angry sergeant placated by their efforts, James took time to make sure the rest of the squad was good to go and then headed over to get his corporal stripes, since he was going to need them if he wanted to avoid continuing to get treated like a PFC. Providing his field promotion proof at the appropriate location, he was soon outfitted with his new stripes and heading to the mess hall, grabbing his food and taking a seat. Spotting Evan, he decided to avoid the man for the time being, still unsure how to treat his eagerness to hear about the horrors of war. As a soldier, James was familiar with what was required of them, even took pride in how hard he fought to protect his country, but...killing was an unfortunate thing to do that. In truth, if a more peaceful solution could have been found to stop this war with the Imps, he'd like to see it, but that would likely only happen if Galia joined the Empire, and Valkyr knows the Galians are a proud people. Shortly after spotting Evan, he saw the Sergeant limp in and smiled. The lucky sod had survived after all, but he'd wait to talk with the man, letting Evan have his time with their squad leader.