[quote=@MechonRaptor] [@Invader Len] Interesting, it's cool to see insight like this. But with my curiosity sated, I'll stick with speed. It does suit him more than agility and flexibility. [/quote] Yeah, of course! The quizzes generally give use 2-3 answers, from which we then use personality and our own judgement to narrow it down to one. When we reconvene, we usually go back to those original 2-3 answers, and select something different with our new insight. With that being said, *clears throat, starts party music up again* [@Jacobite], Congratulations! Your character’s new magic type is Earth Magic! Earth magic gives control over the crystals in soil, rock, and even dust or sand! A formidable magic, to be certain! In addition, earth Mages are one of the few types that can learn Alter, which changes the rock they have into a completely different kind! Better brush up on your geology! At the moment, you only know Summon, so you can cause sprouts of rock to jut up from the ground, walls, or ceiling (if in a cave), but can’t do much else. With time, however, you can master the many applications of Earth Magic, and become a prominent mage inside of battle or out! What a knock out!