“Normally I’d be skeptical of these situations… I would… So, I’ll remain that way.” Hector whispered as he pressed his back against the wall beside the door to Room 1134 in Building 00837. It had barely been a few hours since he had made planet-fall, but apparently the Vladof AMM knew that he was there. “Damn Ruskies, always knowing where I am, it’s like thy hunt me or something.” He spoke as he peered through a crack in the door, spying a slightly older gentleman who carried a fairly plain looking assault rifle and a digistruct skag collar on his hip. “Oh good, eaten by a trained skag, just what I always wanted, life never gets boring. Fuckin lunatics keeping fucking beasts like that, it’s weird.” Hector whispered again as he brandished his fire element Jakobs revolver, wondering if he could get the drop on this guy in the room before Hector was caught by surprise and having a skag eating his leg. For a moment his hand fingered a flashbang grenade that hung at his waist, pondering whether he should make a flashy entrance and kill the guy before he himself was food, or if he should just wait and find out the outcome. “Damn skag lovin’ hippies.” He huffed as he kicked opened the door and aimed the revolver dead on Malachi’s forehead. “Allright, freeze there you are, ass nuts. Else you’ll be making good friends with the end of my smoking barrel, hear me?” Hector spoke rashly and kept his revolver trained on the man’s head. “No sudden moves partner, I’m in no mood to have my bounty collected just yet. I like life and I like living… and crime… and money… Hell I just love being a degenerate. Now tell me why you called me here or I might just let my trigger finger slip.” He spoke as he paced around the man, hoping that he didn’t just make an ass of himself. It was true though; many bounty hunters and thugs have been sent after him to collect his body, or bounty. Hector got used to being a wanted man after a while, and got used to killing those who wanted to kill him. He was really good at killing them first.