[hider=Felicity Goldberg] Name: Felicity Joy Goldberg Image or Description: (To Be Added) Felicity is 5’7”, fair skinned and blonde, and usually wears a bow in her hair. She is obsessed with looking pretty and always wears makeup, with big blue eyes, full eyelashes, blushing cheeks, and soft pink lips. She likes wearing flowery skirts and sundresses when out of uniform, and likes simple jewelry. Age: 16 Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Mage or Familiar: Mage Magic Type: Shadow magic. She can create immaterial constructs out of shadows and manipulate the darkness. Known Spells: Summon Partner: Personality: Felicity is a kind, sweet girl with a heart of gold. Charitable to a fault, she feels compelled to help anyone in need, even if it means she sacrifices something she really wants. This shows up with her friends a lot. The more Felicity wants something, the more she pushes it away. She hides her feelings of anger, sadness, and melancholy, and tries to be perpetually optimistic and perky, to cheer up herself and others. She bottles up her negative feelings, and tried not to let them be seen. As a result, it’s hard to tell how she really feels, because she’s almost always smiling. Felicity loves making friends, and is a follower of the belief that there’s good in everyone, no matter how prickly, obstinate, or unfriendly they at first appear. She’s stubborn in her beliefs, and will defend others from perceived injustices, even if she doesn’t like them. She likes teasing her brother, but love him dearly, and would protect him with her life. She doesn’t like being treated like a child, and longs for when she’s finally grown up. She has a good sense of humor, but is not afraid of reprimanding her brother for making bad jokes. Felicity has very low confidence in her natural looks, and is terrified of people seeing her without her makeup. She feels immense pressure to be pretty, and feels that if she isn’t beautiful, she has no worth or place in society. This belief doesn’t extend to others, however, and Felicity is quite jealous of girls who are beautiful with and without makeup. She has no trouble seeing the beauty in others, but she just can’t see it in herself. Biography: Felicity was born two hours before her younger brother, Montgomery, to Familiar parents, Herbert and Batyah Goldberg. The pair owned a high end jewelry store in Maefeld, and were rather well off, thanks to Herbert’s parents and the shop. Felicity was born with a severe cleft palate defect on her upper lip, which was corrected with surgery at 12 weeks. However, the surgery left a noticeable scar on her upper lip, one that Felicity would only grow more and more self conscious of as she grew up. The scar haunted her. It was all she could see. Every time she looked in the mirror, it was there. It grew bigger and deeper in her eyes, turning into nightmares of festering wounds and the scar tearing open her face. Eventually, the nightmares progressed so much, that therapy was discussed as an option, and Felicity’s mother tried to soothe the girl’s fear of appearing in public by putting coverup on the scar. It worked like a charm. Makeup quickly became Felicity’s coping mechanism, covering up her scars, freckles, and blemishes. While her mother only let her use foundation until she was 10, Felicity wanted more, and with her first allowance, bought her own makeup kit. She became unable to detach herself from her makeup, she felt incomplete without it. It was the only thing that stopped her from feeling ugly, worthless, and without a place. She loved the attention she got for her looks, and started to feel that if anyone saw her without her makeup, all the love, friendship, and affection would go away. When she turned 15, the twins decided they wanted to go to St. Fortuna’s. Or rather, Monty decided, and Felicity agreed, no wanting to be separated from her twin. St. Fortuna’s could help her discover her magic type and perhaps be a step up to the famed Maefeld Design School, a must-attend exclusive college for anyone who wants a career in fashion. Felicity’s dream is to become a fashion designer and own her own boutique, and even makes and designs her own clothes. She’s happy to share fashion and makeup tips with anyone who wants them. Likes: Fashion, makeup, cute clothes, fruits, sunny days, her brother, cute boys, gossip, magazines, and helping others Dislikes: Swimming (she can’t swim) , rain, sweat, dirt, sour foods, masks (they ruin her makeup), bad puns Points: Proficiency: 4 Intelligence: 3 Athletics: 3 Misc.: Felicity loves horoscopes, and will often read them to her friends. She’s glad her magic is Shadow, because there’s no risk of her hurting anyone. She has a thing for bad boys. She likes pushing her brother’s buttons to make him flustered and embarrassed. [hider=quiz] 1. What is your character’s dream career? Felicity wants to become a successful fashion designer and own her own boutique. She even plans on going to a design college to further her career. 2. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? Felicity would apologize and come forward with the truth. While usually an honest person, she knows it’s necessary to tell little white lies here and there. 3. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? On the outside, Felicity would forgive them, keep her smile on, and try to tell them it’s alright. Once alone, however, she’d probably lash out and cry where no one can see her. She hates others see her cry because she thinks it’s ugly on her. 4. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? Probably go on a shopping spree, buy some fabric or sewing supplies, makeup, some sweets to share with her brother. She likes buying gifts for people too, maybe a present for her friends. 5. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? Felicity would go to the greatest lengths possible to find what was lost, and return it to the person. If it was lost forever, she’d feel horrible and offer to replace it or otherwise compensate for it. She’d feel like she betrayed their trust and would want to not only make up for it, but pay them back twice over. 6. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? Sewing! Felicity would want to become the best seamstress possible, so that she can create all her designs in her sketchbook! 7. What is your character’s favorite book or movie genre? Why? Felicity’s favorite genre is romance. Hands down. Anything with two lovers, a kiss, and a happy ending makes her happy. She’s a real sappy romantic type, and dreams of one day being wooed with flowers and chocolates by a handsome boy. 8.Who does your character admire/look up to? Felicity admires strong girls. Girls who have confidence, girls who have power, girls who are brave and temperamental and fierce. She wishes she could have that kind of strength, that courage, that independence. She wants to be like that too. [/hider] Password: Now in the mood for Beef Stroganoff[/hider] I'll get a picture up for Felicity as soon as I'm done with it. She got a magic I wasn't expecting.