“[color=82ca9d]My name is Lian,[/color]” the red-headed elf had answered the man, giving him a small smile. Her dragon seemed to sniff at the fellow, head tilted curiously, but other than that, there was no response. “[color=82ca9d]We’re doing quite fine, thanks.[/color]” Aside from that, however, she remained quiet. The polite smile remained on her face, but she wanted to see who else would be coming along. She had to admit there were many ladies, some even odder looking than her. She had never seen someone so… doll-like? And, of course, the lady with wings who had greeted her first. Though the latter had been heard of, at least; whenever Lian’s troupe would put up a puppet show, her friend Aros insisted on including his bird-lady puppet. She was quite sure he had fallen in love with his character, but tried not to mention it [i]too[/i] often. The wagon was filling up, so the elf made so to squeeze to the side, not wanting to make things hard for others. She was quite used to wagon rides; being a gypsy wanderer meant she had travelled in wagons most of her life. The others, she wasn’t too sure. They seemed from all walks of life, and it would certainly be delightful to become acquainted with them all. For now, however, she concentrated on simply observing. There was much one could learn by simply remaining quiet and listening. As the wagon started to move, Lian turned a little so that she could pay attention outside. She knew this city, but she had never actually stayed here long, just like with all other places she had visited. A month maximum, and then the troupe would be off again. It would be a very different experience for her, to stay in one place indefinitely. While she expected herself to feel uncomfortable at first, the prospect was pleasant, actually. For most of the ride, she kept her legs close to herself, not wanting to get hit by anyone else’s luggage. Senlin had left her shoulder to sniff around at the others, in particular, Jacky and Trilune, whom he seemed to find most interesting. Lian had called him back after a moment, however. She knew people didn’t take well to normal animals sniffing at them; a dragon might be a little too much. It wasn’t long before the lurching of the wagon and the lovely scent of the pine trees had the elf dozing off, the dragon once more nestled around her neck. Her eyes opened when the wagon came to a stop. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and realized they were no longer moving. Smiling, she peered outside, eyeing their destination end. It seemed lovely, although certainly somewhere the likes of her had never stepped in. Lian waited for the rest to exit the wagon before she followed suit, stretching out and loosening her stiff limbs once she was off. She leaned back after, looking at the house properly before finally eyeing the porch, and the man standing there. So, that was the Mayor? She listened to his words intently before entering the house. The room she chose was one of the smaller ones she could find. Lian figured those with luggage needed the extra space. She was used to cramped sleeping spaces in case someone else decided to sleep here, and as for a place to relax, there was always the big, wide outdoors. That being said, her room had a couple of beds, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a table with a couple of chairs. In between the two beds was a window, set near a larger tree outside. “[color=82ca9d]Perfect,[/color]” she murmured to herself as she pushed the curtains to the side and opened the window, letting in fresh air. If she wanted to visit the outside, this window was as good an exit as any. She let Senlin inspect her room thoroughly before heading out of her room and downstairs to the dining room. She was quite hungry, having only eaten the one cookie she had taken for herself from the gatekeeper. Her sensitive nose could already smell the wafting scent of cooked food. Smiling, she entered the dining hall, looking around, hoping that perhaps some of her new comrades had decided to eat as well. It would be nice to get to know each other, perhaps even investigate together. Two people were better than one, no? [@Gareth] [@Ruthenselle]