[@Ruthenselle] Alan lives in Ann Arbor - he's in the same crappy building Emily is. Can't blame you for missing it, it's kinda squirreled away in his backstory. Danny works a night shift part-time at a dumpy diner in Ann Arbor, so if anyone thinks their character might frequent such places, let me know and we can discuss if they've met. [@Ace of flames01] Based on their ages (and the fact that Danny got held back a year), Danny and Sophie would have been going to high school in Ann Arbor at the same time. If you like, we can say they knew each other (which incidentally would also mean that Sophie went to the same school Alan teaches at) - I can see them being at least on friendly terms. I'll get to work on my IC posts. Would it be possible to see a list of all the pairings, by the way? More to satisfy my curiousity than anything else.