[@Sigma] I have an idea for a race/planet and I'm wondering if it'll fit. Alien race X (still a WIP) was once a really proud, aggressive and martial race who eventually began to want to fight with the other races. For a time they were pretty successful but for one reason or another, their enemies became too great in numbers or advancement and the tides turned. Not only where they beaten back, but the Garden world they evolved on was nuked and bombarded to hell that it can barely support life and that the term "fallen from glory" is a dramatic undercutting of its destruction. The race as a whole has gone through something of an existential crisis as their illusions of battle and war have completely collapsed on themselves after their antagonistic run of "solar system conquerers". If this is approved, I can turn it up to 11 and have them still be at war with someone else who basically kicking them around for shits and giggles at this point with the Race now a dying race whose fighting a loosing war of survival. They have enacted all the things you'd suspect from a run of the mill evil militaristic government like rationing, thought policing, no personal freedoms and human/xenos rights abuses but its not because they're outward antagonists but because that's the only way they're survive for now. Basically at one point they were space mongols that everyone feared but are now pointed at and lauded as primitive, backwards and unenlightened and are very much on the point of extinction. Proud warrior race that has had its psyche shattered and undertaking extreme measures to keep itself alive but without all of the hate directed towards others that you'd expect to see in a defeated nation/race (ie Germany post WW1).