[center][h1][color=saddlebrown]Yan-Took[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=goblin][@El Noche][@December][@Acid Hippie][/hider] [hr] All Yan-took wants is a simple meal. And these horned rabbits will fill his hungry belly. After all, it is not a goblin, therefore it does not need a sympathy from a goblin. He wants meat and he will hunt. Yan-took is still waiting for the response of his hunting party. Yan-took justifies himself in a logic that if all goblins agree to hunt, he will need to position himself in a good place. Yan-took will move away in left to circle widely around to cut off these tasty prey if they try to escape. Yan-took whispers to his brethren what they will do [color=saddlebrown]"Ready to hunt?"[/color]