[Center][Color=paleturquoise][h2]Early Winter In the Jungle[/h2][/color] [@Sho Minazuki][@ProPro][/center] Henry finally made it to a good clearing, the trees weren't quite so close together anymore which meant he finally had some breathing room. Henry looked at his sidekick and smiled, old guy probably appreciated the space considering how much he had been complaining. Suddenly a loud voice boomed from above them and Henry sighed. It was going to be one of those days huh? [Color=paleturquoise]"How about you mind your fucking business assholes!"[/color] Henry reached for the frozen toucan on his shoulder and threw it at them, not even getting close as the bird shattered on the ground. He already missed it. Luckily for them the Angels were quickly killed by a pack of Demons, two being impaled while the rest were taken out by some Assaults. Nice. [Color=paleturquoise]"I've got the Chimera Seeds, you take the Assaults."[/color] With a cold flash Frosty appeared in his hands in the form of two SMGs, already unloading on the Chimera Seeds' thralls to try and finish them quickly.