Steel was silent as he came upon two patients in the hall, introductions were not really needed because he was well aware that one was known as Azure the masked terror in some respects and the scourge of several malicious beatings of orderlies. The second was Sketchy as she like to be called also a scourge of orderlies but a tad more violent to the point of death. Both were more well known then they probably knew most by fear, and to Steel by a small fascination of the way they were, most didn't know Steel was vigilant and one who did intense observation even when his eye's could not see he was always listening. That was one of the main reasons that no one could easily sneak up on him, due to a large dose of paranoia he slept light to even the point a pin drop would wake him. That was one of the main reasons Faustus had such a hard time trying to ambush him to get him to undergo electroshock therapy, not to mention tranquilizers did not work on Steel his mind and body were far to strong for even horse tranquilizer so the only way they could get him would be to incapacitate him physically. However Steel was not interested in what Faustus might do, in fact this was actually entertaining to him, Azure had a piece of glass by his foot which probably did not bode well for Sketchy, however Sketchy thought a lot like Azure, Azure believes in what he calls the truth a truth that Steel knew well a truth where there is no fear. Either way neither one would know Steel all that well, he had been in this Asylum for seven years or so but he kept to himself most of the time so not many people knew him, and given he stayed alone most of his time training and meditating no one rarely saw him except feeding times. Walking up and stopping about five feet from Azure Steel stopped walking and kept a safe distance away as he crossed his arms more then aware that they both knew he was there even with one of their backs turned to him. [b]"Getting acquainted I see."[/b] That was all Steel said as he kept his gaze on them both, his eye's like rocks unmoving and unshowing of any kind of emotion.