[quote=@13org] [@Invader Len] I'm not nervous, is just that you really lost me! i never said anything to make any of you mad, i don't see why you had the need to say those things... I can make another character from 0 as easily as i can fix that one. I just like that image and wanted to use it... I don't even know what i did to be treated this way... [/quote] For starters, you've been arguing with us every time we come up with a criticism or suggestion. If you can't see why we would be frustrated by this, please reread your past messages and put yourself in our shoes. We're not singling you out or treating you unfairly. We're responding to you the exact same way we have to every other player who has gone against the rules. The only difference is how long this is being drawn out. If you want to make a new character, please feel free to submit a new CS. And perhaps take a moment to breathe and calm down. Take a short walk, have some tea, play a video game for a little while. You seem very high strung right now, and it can be difficult to think clearly when on the defensive. With that being said, we feel as though we've been very fair in our criticism of your character, and that the response we've gotten has been out of proportion to the things we've asked to be corrected. If you feel like this criticism is too harsh, then this may not be the RP for you. We do critique characters when we find they have inconsistencies. We critique them when they have histories that conflict with this world. We critique them when they go against the rules. And we've been very lenient in our critiques, I like to think. I know GM's who don't offer solutions, and some who don't give second chances. However, we eventually decide who gets into this RP or not, and if players exhibit confrontational behavior, such as arguing with us, then saying we didn't argue, it's very disconcerting to us. Please respect our authority as GM's. When we ask you to change something, please don't waste our time arguing over the definition of violence. If you can't make the changes we ask of you, then this isn't the RP for you. I'll allow you to try again with a new CS, if you wish. Please keep in mind my words above. We're not attacking you or targeting you. I believe we all have better things to do than engage in bullying one player.