[quote=@Ryik] Do I wait until Kaison gets off the waiting list to put him in the characters tab? Will I only receive his quiz results when he gets off the waiting list? Is the waiting list strictly for replacing inactive players, or will there be a second homeroom class given enough applicants? If there will be a second homeroom class, do they never share classes with the first homeroom class? Kaison is 5'7" Maybe I should change the name of the woman Kaison's dad is dating... [/quote] No. You may put him in the characters tab. We’ll decide your quiz results soon. We’ve been busy with getting the IC up and deciding pairings. You will be able to join the RP in full as soon as a familiar is accepted to become his partner. You can join the homeroom and interact with the original 24 all you want. If you have not joined by the time the IC starts and people begin posting and gaining points, we will compensate your points by giving you the average of points people have accumulated so you don’t get left behind. Thank you for asking these questions, we’ve been very busy the last few hours, and will be busy for the next few, so if you have any questions, the best way to get them answered is to @ or PM us!