[hr][hr] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/Tlk3KlV.jpg[/img] [color=silver]ᛗᛖᛁᛋᛏᛖᚱ ᛞᛖᚱ ᛒᚱᛁᛖᚠᛖ[/color] [i]Interacting with:[/i] [img] http://i.imgur.com/OIK9u9P.jpg[/img] [/centre] [hr][hr] Arthur remained staring down at the map, even whilst his companions slowly dispersed and began getting ready. His mind fluttered between various trails of thoughts as he considered the individuals he would be working with, the case, and the potential scenarios that they could be investigating. Between his own knowledge of old rituals, Felix’s medical prowess and the newcomer’s divination, he had no doubts that they could crack what was behind the murders. And with the other members on the team, he was also confident that they could overcome any dangers that they might face. Still, they knew virtually nothing at this point and so too much speculation would be unproductive. His glossed mossy eyes rose from the blood-stained map and looked around the room to see who remained. There were only a few left, including Richard, ‘Bunny’ and Sebastian. It was the later who his gaze would settle on, as he still hadn’t had much of an opportunity to speak to his new partner. He thought it a fairly logical choice, putting one of the older regulators with the newcomer. Though at the same time he couldn’t help but muse at the clear difference between the two of them – whilst Arthur was concerned with looking in the past, Sebastian was able to see into the future. [color=yellowgreen]“Are you nervous?”[/color] Arthur asked in a soft but serious voice as he walked up beside Sebastian. The young wizard had very effeminate features, to the point that Arthur probably would have thought him a girl (and a somewhat pretty one at that). Not that it made any difference to him; he was not one to judge someone on personal traits. He waited a few second for a response, but when it was clear that the young man was miles away, Arthur gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder with his staff. [color=yellowgreen]“I know you seers like to daydream, but not paying attention to the present is a quick way to get yourself killed.”[/color] he hoped his words would sink in, for he hated the idea of losing yet another partner.