[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Ozerath] Question: But would the Quxikotl have a place in this Concordat? Since as of right now they're set up as the one race everyone literally hates to death. [/quote] [@Klomster] Unless anybody ojbects, yeah there will be individuals from pretty much every nation in the Concordat. Aurolian races will probably still make up the majority, but the Concordat's been recruiting/converting/augmenting the dregs of other people's societies for a long while now. "Give us your tired, your poor...and we'll make them into cyborgs." Of course, some societies don't necessarily have the kind of rejects who would end up with the Concordat. Let me know if you think that applies to you. Most people who receive implants end up staying with the Concordat and adapting to its ways. You don't HAVE to stay, but most people do. Definitely no loyalty programming in those implants. That would be unethical. On that note if someone wants to have characters with Concordat implants but who aren't actually part of the Concordat, go ahead. Shoot me a PM if you want more info on the implants.