[quote=@Klomster] [@ClocktowerEchos] Just remembered something, did the Quixikotl ever kill Schäferkin civilians? [/quote] There's a reason why I mentioned Nanking earlier, I'll let you figure the connection out. [quote=@Oraculum] Now that could prove interesting. The war, and the Desolation in particular, could have been a major point in the Covenant's acquisition of ascendance over the two governments, being an excellent ground for proving that their experimental technologies and hybrid tactics are superior to either's specialised approach to warfare. They would also be quite likely to keep a base there - which would be very bad news for the Quixikotl, since the Covenant's arsenal contains anything between particle weaponry, evolving war drone interfaces, mutated beasts, artificial plagues, poison gasses and more, all of which they are impatient to test on anything that will not offer more than negligible resistance. Not to mention the frequent raids to capture living test subjects for less than ethical purposes - after all, how often does one have the opportunity to experiment on sentient beings without rousing the entire system's wrath? [/quote] Just because the Quxikotl have been crippled doesn't mean they'll bend their knee to you; the cost of keeping the guys in line as a vassal or puppet would far out weight any actual plus you'd get from them. Plus, if you plan on testing weapon on Tenohexotl, you are going to have a hell of a time trying to get the race who you are using as live test dummies to comply with you. [quote=@Ozerath] That's exactly the kind of appeal I'm envisioning for the Concordat. Downtrodden masses sucked in by fancy implants and the promise of utopia. Nice source of tension with a state that relies on downtrodden masses. [/quote] The Lizard might find some of your shitck interesting but the fact that they are hated by everyone means that they will likely never leave to go anywhere. "Rejects" within Quxikotl society tend to either be summarily executed or "volunteered their lives for the good of the race". The base and weaponry again don't bother me all that much provided you don't actually blow up the planet or wipe out all of the Quxikotl on it. Something else everyone might find interesting, for all intents and purposes, Quxikotl are effectively blank slates culturally, having lost faith in their old pantheon of war gods. If any of you have a religion you want to spread because of Space-Jesus Deus Vult, please do tell. It would make for a very interesting dynamic all things considered.