"Gotcha bastards." he said as with the squeeze of the trigger the enemies fell. He made a mental note to ask the Terran with the accent about it later. He had trouble believing that some people actually still had reverence for the wonders of Earth and kept up their language but who knew? If anything, at least there would be a story behind it. He sidled along past the gate turning off his suit's flashlight and slung his clunky C-141AC on his back. He pulled out his Ronin pistol from it's holster and his shank soon found it's way into his other hand. "Right, [i]boss[/i]." Richard said. "Not a sound." he added, giggling as he would soon have the opportunity for a little revanchist sadism. He turned his attention to the professional aspect of what was to be done, and again went along looking left and right for some sign of some bastard to end. [i]Everyone has their own mission.[/i]