Jax sighed, hearing his police radio buzz as a cop spoke into it. "All units...we have a robbery on..." Jax was already climbing back into his suit. Hearing the police rattle off the location, he recorded it on his phone. "[color=6ecff6]Alright...This'll be fun. But let's make this one fast, okay Dad?"[/color] He said as he turned on his comm. "[color=9e0b0f]Son, this looks different from the others. Approach with caution. [/color]" Jax rolled his eyes, now in his suit. "[color=6ecff6]Don't worry about it. They try anything, I beat them so bad they wish they would die.[/color]" Back in his hometown, his father, Victor Fries, creased his brow in concern. [b]40 minutes later...[/b] Icicle stood inside the bank, confused. He'd searched everywhere, and hadn't found anyone. "[color=6ecff6]Hey Dad. False alarm. I guess the police radio was wrong for-[/color]" Then it hit him. Of course. He should have known. "[color=6ecff6]Dad. Some of the police were in on it.[/color]" His father gasped audibly over the comm. "[color=9e0b0f]Corruption is prominent in Gotham. It breaks my heart that this would happen.[/color]" Meanwhile, Jax was leaping through the door. He hit the ground in a roll. Ten police officers stared at him, shocked. One decided to be brave. "Hey, what are you doing here, kid?" Icicle turned to them. "[color=6ecff6]I could ask the same. I find it strange, that, despite there being many more crimes being committed tonight, and you all have to be spread thin, there are ten police here. Not to mention the place is empty. You know what that tells me? A couple of you aren't cops. I would say more weren't, but, hey, this is Gotham. It's no surprise. I better just beat the corruption out of you, then.[/color]" Jax turned on his stealth mode. Running behind one of the cops, he froze him promptly. He drew out the uzis he decided to use for this crime, and shot three. He turned to another and knocked him out with a right hook. By then his stealth had worn out, and a corrupted police officer was charging at him. Icicle easily sidestepped and tripped him. Another crook came at him, and he knocked the wind out of him by punching him in the gut. The one he had tripped got up, and Jax used one shot to kill him, and another to kill the one who ran out of wind. The three that were left tried to run. Jax shot two in the legs, but the third got away. He sighed and holstered his guns. "[color=6ecff6]This has been a long night. Shame I had to kill five of 'em.[/color]" He grinned. "[color=6ecff6]Yeah. Shame...[/color]"