With a calm efficiency, Skarr replaced the clip of his Claymore Shotgun with standard rounds, and then holstered the weapon. He retrieved his M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle and held his massive frame just behind the cover of the installations walls. The force approaching them was formidable, especially the greater YMIR mech in the back. In his mind, the Veteran was already planning on his assault forward. He could already see his bullets dispatching Cerberus operatives and lesser mechs in his mind's eye, but just as he was about to make such deducations a reality... One thing he did not count on was his allies. The young Krogan Rykarn seemed to be doing well for himself, and while Skarr would not have preferred him to be using such tactics, sometimes he supposed it felt nice seeing a fellow Krogan in action. In fact, they could work off one another, and he decided it would be effective to switch tactics and work off his fellow Krogan's aggression. He would charge once those grenades had detonated. Unfortunately, his strategy had to change once again, once all grenades in the room were biotically placed in the center of the fray via the Asari, and Skarr knew charging forward was near suicide, if not actual suicide. He sighed, and reached for his hammer. Perhaps he could salvage the situation. He did not have the biotic know how to help the Asari in her endevour, but perhaps her placement of the grenades could help him and the team. He poked his head out to get his bearings straight, deducing the location of the grenades and the floor. If he could hit it in the right area...Without further delay, the Krogan leaped from cover and slammed his hammer into the ground in what he believed was a focal point in the ground. Suddenly, biotic power erupted from the ground thrice before it erupted directly beneath the grenades. His calculated attack was meant to shove the grenades toward the enemies, especially the large mech in the back.