[quote=@Abefroeman] If I might interject, and more so for my own sake of curiosity, what is the disposition of the two dragons, one wild, one tamed, that escaped during the Dance of Dragons? The Dragon Sheepstealer, flown by Nettles, and the wild dragon Cannibal, both dipped out during the Dance of Dragons, and in conjunction with these two Dragons, what is the disposition of all the other eggs? I think it was mentioned in the back story that the Ruins of Summerhall had some eggs, but the lore touches base about a number of other eggs that are either MIA/unaccounted for, excluding the egg of Prince Aerion Targeryen, which my character currently possess. ((By no means trying to stir the pot, but maybe this would be a more acceptable means of having an egg, rather than a fully hatched dragon. These eggs would be very valuable, but perhaps a reasonable and convincing backstory/history/biography could explain how you have gotten your hands onto an egg, and what your hopes are to do with that egg.)) [hider=Sheepstealer][url]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Sheepstealer[/url][/hider] [hider=Cannibal][url]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Cannibal_(dragon)[/url][/hider] [hider=Dragon Eggs][url]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dragon_egg[/url][/hider] [/quote] unless I'm much mistaken Cannibal escaped over the whispers into the Vale where he was tamed by a wild witch who essentially formed the burned men creating their ritual out of dragonflame.