Dove contacted the authorities and after much failed persuasion and a cop being killed by a Starro did they agree. Hawk & Dove returned to their singular form. [color=2e3192]"So who can we speak to at Oliver Security about getting something to knock them out."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Beats me, I am their lawyer, I handle them being sued by greedy assholes looking for a payout for their stupidity or patent infringement. I know nothing of their products or who makes the shit. Guess you could start with Steve Queen, he is the cousin of the CEO, I believe. He may be convinced to let H&D to use their stuff if he could use it to get a promotion. Just be warned he will flirt with and get way to close. Just get in his face and the twerp backs off, never learns though. I assume he thinks he can wear me down.[/color] Donald groaned. Bethany was amused with his discomfort. [color=2e3192]"Let me guess you never encouraged it but don't actively discourage it."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Of course, a client that wants more is always going to find a reason to cause billable hours. That is common sense 101."[/color] Donald felt like hitting her. On the elevator ride up to Steve Bethany kept prodding Donald to unbutton a button or two. Donald refused. [color=2e3192]"I am not going to leverage breasts to get what I want like some two bit harlot I know."[/color] Bethany scoffed. [color=ed1c24]"I am no harlot I am a liberated sexual woman."[/color] [hider] [color=2e3192]Dove speak is this color[/color] [color=ed1c24]Hawk speak is this color[/color] [/hider]