[hr][hr] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/Tlk3KlV.jpg[/img] [color=silver]ᛗᛖᛁᛋᛏᛖᚱ ᛞᛖᚱ ᛒᚱᛁᛖᚠᛖ[/color] [i]Interacting with:[/i] [img] http://i.imgur.com/OIK9u9P.jpg[/img] [/centre] [hr][hr] [color=fff79a]"I wasn't going to say anything because I was unsure and frankly...I still am. But, I think I might have dreamt about those children. I just can't...remember much of it."[/color] Arthur patiently listened to his partner, careful not to interrupt, and gently nodded his head to actively show that he was listening. [color=fff79a]"But dolls come to mind strangely..."[/color] Those last words made Arthur raise his left eyebrow slightly. [color=yellowgreen]“Dolls you say?”[/color] he asked whilst supressing a shudder, as images of old creepy porcelain dolls crept into his mind [color=yellowgreen]“Well that’s a horrifying revelation. Let’s hope it’s your imagination running wild and not an actual clue. Still, better keep it in mind.”[/color] At that point Arthur reached into his inner right coat pocket and pulled out his small journal. The book could not have been much bigger than the size of his hand and was covered in matt black leather. On it’s front a strange symbol which appeared to be the combination of various symbols and runes, which would be lost on most. Arthur run his finger along the symbol, causing the small locks to pop open. [color=yellowgreen]“This little book here is where I keep all my notes. It’s also where I keep little nick nacks.”[/color] he said with a smile. In a rather show-offy way, Arthur then withdrew his old wand from his other pocket and put it’s tip to a random empty page. As the wand touched the paper, it began to sink in and created what looked like a small splash of runes on the page; akin to the way the water dispearses when you stick your foot in the bath. Slowly but surely Arthur sank the entire wand into the page before simply turning to the next. He then turned the page back to reveal an empty page. [color=yellowgreen]“Ta-da! Now, why don’t you explain this vision of yours and I’ll note it down. Might come in handy later.”[/color]