"Onward, then!" Lillet shouted, spurring her horse to a quicker trot along their barely-visible path through the forest. Reckless as she was, she couldn't bring herself to a fully incautious pace; the loss of her mount would be a worse setback than simply being careful enough to avoid it happening in the first place. They likely still wouldn't reach the ruins by nightfall, but putting more distance behind them would still be better than not. Whatever had caused that premonition might be gone by the time they arrived, anyway. Lillet could only speculate as to what it was, but it better be important. Didn't seem like a God, or anything of that nature. Definitely something magical...but didn't feel like a spell going off, either. She did keep an eye out for potential danger they were probably rushing toward. Certainly, part of her confidence was simple-minded bravado. But part of it was that she could also drop an 18-meter tall war machine on top of things in a moment's notice. It had been a while since [i]Aeon[/i] had gotten any proper exercise.