The familiar kick of his C-10 made Ansgar smirk, watching the round drop his target nice and neat like. Not to say the Marine in question wasn't in a right sort of mess, being dead and all, but thankfully the rest put down their targets real quick and quiet. Including the firebat, imagine that, between him and the Reaper, he was fully expecting this to turn into a loud mission at some point. But he would keep moving forward until then, moving after the rest of the group, Sunshine and Glory Boy, that earth born ex UED fellow that lamented the fact that he was stuck so far from his precious Earth. Now, Ansgar did not like his attitude, not one bit, but long as he kept doing his job, well, they could agree to disagree. Besides, Koprulu wasn't that bad, she treated you like you treated her, at the end of the day. Watching Sunshine get the gate open, he was through rather more easily than the armored folks were, another advantage of not stomping about in CMC armor all the damn time. He did a quick, steady sweep of the area as they grouped up. [color=598527]"I hear ya Sunshine, sooner in, sooner out."[/color] The less time they spent idling about or moving about outside, the less time there was for someone to stumble across them, have to be dropped, or worse, have an alarm get sounded. Then ALL bets were off, since it would be a mad dash for the Command Center, smash and grab, and get the hell out of dodge while under all sorts of Dominion firepower. In other words, a rather unpleasant way to kick off the work week. But focus was required, so he scanned and kept his mind on the job, watching for anything that could complicate the mission.