Thea watched Byrce stir, waiting patiently. She drew her legs toward her chest and rested her chin on her knees, smiling as the werewolf yawned. She had always found his race fascinating, being part animal and part human, a mix neither magic nor science--before the latter became banned--had found a reason for. To have the ability to shift between wolf and man was one desire she could not deny having from time to time, to be capable of running through the forests among animals as one of them, instead of the intruders humankind had become. Zane returned Byrce’s greeting first with his own bark, his front half crouched and his rump in the air, bushy tail wagging slightly. “Hello to you, too.” She grinned and let out a little squeak when Byrce’s wet, chilly nose tapped her cheek. Her face wrinkled in amusement, she straightened her legs and returned the gesture, rubbing the tip of her nose against his fur before he repeated the greeting with Zane. Despite the drastic size difference between the two, Zane bravely nipped at at the larger wolf playfully, Thea just thankful Zane had warmed up enough to Byrce to apparently enjoy his company. That was a day she had feared would never happen. Thea leaned back on her hands as Byrce sat, taking in his body language and understanding his silent question in a way only a true friend could. “Hmm.” She leaned her head back slightly as Byrce sneezed and shook himself. Her tongue played with her inner cheek in thought for a short moment. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of being cooped up.” She glanced toward the direction of the front gates of the castle, contemplating walking the market. But she was easily recognized in the undoubtedly crowded area, and she had no desire to go through the trouble of concealing her identity so the king would not discover her disobedience. [i]That[/i] was one reprimand she would rather avoid. “I’d say going into the city’s out. It’s market day. And Father doesn’t want me leaving the castle right now.” She rolled her eyes. “Thinks those Scientists from the rumors might still be lurking about.” She paused, and glanced toward their secret escape, well-hidden near the castle walls. There was a river not far from the castle. It flowed about a mile away from the city, and connected Altreiah to the neighboring kingdoms to both the east and the west. “We haven’t followed the river very far east into the forest yet,” she suggested, her expression perking up at the idea. “Lots to explore, places to get wet before the water freezes for the winter…” She stood, and took a couple steps toward their exit route, Zane ever by her side. “How’s that sound to you?” She twirled back around to look to Byrce, waiting for his answer.