Izzy bumped into the glass as she finished wiping up the spilled juice at Blake’s revelation of his and Zach’s plan. Once Zach put something in Blake’s head, it was all but set in stone. Knowing the inevitable, stubborn consequences of arguing against it, she took a breath, grabbed her glass, and turned to face him. “The back-burner, huh?” She leaned leisurely on the island and crossed one foot over the other. She regarded him thoughtfully as she took a drink of the orange juice as if genuinely contemplating the brilliance of their suicidal plan, biding herself a couple seconds to think. “In that case,” she began after a moment, trying to keep her voice and expression sincere, “you two are geniuses! Count me in. I mean, three’s better than two. If this sensei’s as good as they say he is--and landed a job as one--I doubt a ‘drunken fistfight’ would put [i]him[/i] in the hospital, and not his attacker. The so-called drunk would have to be one heck of a fighter to best someone like that. Maybe the world’s best.” She paused to take a thoughtful sip of her juice, not looking directly at Blake. “Wonder what kinds of weapons the guy has,” she mused, hoping the prospect of him being better armed might scare Blake off. “Probably armed to the teeth, if he knows what he's doing. Think he'd have a gun or two? Knives? Throwing stars? Ooh!” Her eyes flicked back to her brother. “Maybe he has some of those fist-knife-things, like a real-life Wolverine.” She made a slicing motion through the air with her empty fist, putting her entire body into the motion. “Could be where--Laurence, right?--got the idea to call him a werewolf. Anyway. With me there, if he beats you and Zach into a bloody pulp, there’ll still be someone around to call 911. Well, unless he jumps me, too.” She shrugged. “I’ll put a note somewhere to put something nice on our gravestones. Maybe something like, ‘The Caldwell Siblings:’” she moved a hand through the air in front of her as if reading from a giant gravestone. “‘Strong of heart, but not of body. Rest in peace.’” Izzy chugged the rest of her juice, and gave Blake as excited of a grin as she could muster. “So, when were we planning on going?”