I hope I have corrected this adequately. My apologies for the trouble. I'm not sure why hiders don't appear to be showing up. [hider=Vyvyan Ngiwan]Name: Ngiwan Ziajk Liep, Vyvyan Imperial Image or Description: [img]https://shortcut-test2.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/role_template_image/attachment/132991/default_erika-yaegaki.jpg[/img] 1.64 metres tall when standing straight, or about 5 feet 4 inches. Vyvyan is thinly built, effeminately so. His longer hair and soft voice only contribute to the girlish impression. Age: 15 Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Mage or Familiar: Familiar Ability: Partner: Personality: Frugal despite—or perhaps because of—his background, a product of education by parents who earned their wealth. Vyvyan is timid in person around those he is meeting for the first time, but can warm up to others, classmates he meets daily especially, within a month or two. In writing, however, with the time to think, he is more bold. He is quite self-conscious, fearful of making a bad impression or gaining a poor reputation, to the point where some might even describe him as pessimistic, though he tries his damndest to keep an optimistic outlook. Vyvyan tends to downplay his own achievements, and gets flustered easily by praise, as pleasing as it is. Biography: Son of a Prydainian and an immigrant, Vyvyan is a true-blue city kid, his only experiences with population density below four digits before coming to St Fortuna being parks and nature reserves. For much of his early life, he was doted on by his brother and parents, not helping his naïveté and inexperience, though given his spastic diplegia, he finds it difficult to fault them for being a bit overprotective of him in his first dozen years. The pressure to perform was still omnipresent, however. Fortunately, Vyvyan was able to meet both his and his family's expectations. At the end of every year, his report book was stellar, sometimes literally when his younger self did decoration. As a primary schooler, he was placed in special academic programmes for the gifted, and participated in various competitions of as many subjects, maybe creative writing, or music, or instead the sciences and mathematics. Passing through his primary education with ease, Vyvyan spent a significant amount of time reading beyond his textbooks and curriculum, pursuing out-of-syllabus matters that interested him, and even more advanced material. Vyvyan did not neglect non-scholastic activities either, being an alto in his prior school's choir and a saxophonist in the symphonic band, though he is far less athletically-inclined, having relied on enthusiastically helpful classmates and family until receiving an electric wheelchair. Every now and then, however, he spent his time, recesses most often, playing frisbee and casual table tennis, in addition to physiotherapy. His diligence, both in academics and co-curricular activities, earned him acceptance to St Fortuna with a scholarship. It had taken quite some persuasion, as well as adjustments in order to fit their criteria, but Vyvyan managed to obtain parental approval to board at St Fortuna. Likes: Chicken rice, meritocracy, orchids, rain, A grades, greenery, reading, singing, playing the saxophone Dislikes: The cold, gum, uncleanliness, drug dealers, smoke, restaurants, being given preferential treatment due to disability, overspending Points: 10 Proficiency: 1 Intelligence: 8 Athletics: 1 Misc.: Vyvyan's speech is only slightly slurred, and he retains control over his upper body, albeit weakened and not as coordinated, but he can only manage short distances out of a wheelchair. He usually speaks a much more colloquial dialect with friends, and has an odd accent even in formal situations, no matter how hard he may try to suppress it. For example, 'Prydain' often comes out more like 'Brytain' at best, or sometimes just 'Biten'. Quiz Answers: [B]What is your character's greatest regret?
[/b] I don't really regret many things... yay, sheltered life. I suppose it would be when I got 60-something for Higher Mother Tongue for my mid-year exams once. I disappointed myself most of all with that, though I'm not sure what I had expected, considering how I slacked a lot on that, and as a result, got my just desserts. I bucked up after that, though, so... I suppose it's actually a good thing? I hope I don't sound too arrogant or stuck-up. Sixty, though... [B]Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do?
[/b] I'm not usually home alone, and if I were, I probably wouldn't be watching a horror movie, unless I'm trying to torture myself! But if it sounds like an actual threat, something serious, and not just bumps in the night, I'd make my way to the neighbour's door and ask for help. If it isn't, or I'm too petrified to move that far, I'd hide in a corner, phone in hand, ready to call 999, until I've convinced myself that nothing's out to murder me horribly, or resign myself to my fate. Though, I suppose such fears would be justified in other cities and places, like Erridún. [B]Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this?
[/b] Implying I have friends... I do, but they're all back home, unfortunately. First, I'd probably do a bunch of research, since I don't have much social experience, I'll admit. I'd also need to see if anyone else they know is trying to do something as well, so we don't clash or anything. Then, I'd try to get a grip of the background and the situation, from both parties, so I'm not just interfering blindly. Eventually, I hope that they can be convinced that the matter isn't important at all and reconcile. [B]While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do?
[/b] Head on to class anyway, accepting whatever punishment comes. If someone I know, a friend, can help me out, I'd be glad so long as it doesn't inconenience them, but otherwise, I'd probably miss half the class if I tried to go get it back. I'd also remember to actually pack properly next time, preferrably with a note in blood or ink. Wait, do you change classrooms for different periods? [B]If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be?
[/b] Another H. s. sapiens. Truly putting myself in another's shoes. Wait, is the change permanent? Ah, I'd stay as I am, then. [B]If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be?
[/b] In all honesty, with that much time, I probably wouldn't be able to save myself, let alone any other things! Anywho, I'd choose my brother. He's using my room now. I know he's five years older, serves in Armour, is currently in OCS, and is damn fit, but still. If not him, then my phone. First, I'd call the firefighters, and then warn the neighbours. [B]What season does your character like best and why?
[/b] Summer! I don't cope well with the cold, so the warmest season's the least horrible for me, and even then, I sometimes wear jackets in the sun. Stuff tends to be cheaper, too! If I really, absolutely, need shopping done, the summer sale tends to be a good enough time to do so. [B]Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do?
[/b] Heaven! Where I will learn about things I wouldn't be able to in this world! Subject to the locals' willingness. That, and I'll talk to everyone I can, if it won't bother them all too much. Maybe get some singing tips? Password: Wanton noodles[/hider]