Upon arriving at the lab Jeff approached the door and stopped. "Well This is it. Jeff Industries.. Still working on a better name to be honest but it works for now" Jeff said to Jenso as he let the door do a eye scan on him causing it to unlock. To not much surprised the lab like the rest of the city looked pretty darn hi-tech beaming with various defenses from security cameras to laser guns spread around. Inside the place seemed to be a few different rooms with tables that looked to have various projects left on them. "To think I started out making gauntlets out of grass and twigs... kinda crazy to think I made it this far." Jeff muttered quietly to himself as he approached one of the tables and placed Jenso down on it. "Now this is mainly used to cyborgs and such as I'm mainly a mechanic of sorts but it does have some technology here that should have that leg of yours patched up without really needing to swap it out for a robot one. So don't worry about that." The table then began to scan Jenso and pick up the various wound spots on his body administrating shots to ease the pain and starting to patch up the leg wound of his. "So tell me, now that we're alone. What caused you to be sent flying in the sky as a ball of fire?"