Feri noticed Rannon's lingering gaze, and found herself not minding as she usually did. Despite her odd race, many who attempted to court her in Lothering either didn't realise or didn't care. The "not-caring" people she was touched by, as it was hurtful to have people recoil or swiftly change their minds upon realising her half-breed status (It happened far more with Dwarves than with Humans, but it was still noticeable when it happened)... but at the same time, she had standards. Having village idiots or boys hoping for an easy time flirt with her was tiresome, especially when whelps who were panicking about joining the army or Templars without having slept with a woman yet were looking for a quick screw, just to say they had. Several instances of this led to her mostly ignoring potential suitors, even just her friends jokingly having a go at her; shutting down lingering hands and eyes with a quick insult or blow to the head... or other more delicate places. However, Rannon seemed different. Less... brutish? Perhaps an odd word to choose, considering the battle-hardened and tall body of him - but youth still rang true in the man, alongside an easy-going attitude around her that seemed to be missing from boys in the past. It was refreshing - and she couldn't deny that despite the still haunted look hiding in the man's steely eyes, and the several scars peeking out from his clothing here and there, he was quite pleasant to the eye. Moreso than any from Lothering, that was for sure. Realising that she too was holding his gaze, she offered up a pleasant smile at his thanks, hoping he didn't see the light flush of heat to her cheeks in the light of the fire. As he ate, her mind quickly returned to business - he was right. Redcliffe was still quite far, and they needed to make the most of the daylight. Putting her bowl aside (Which Gideon immediately began licking clean, eating the dregs and remnants of her meal that Feri had missed), she stood up and stretched again, her spine making audible and satisfying "pops" in the process. "Good idea - but make sure you get some sleep too. I'm certain Gideon is better at picking up any danger than a half-asleep watchman would." She said with a light laugh, bending over to scratch Gideon's ears again, the hound still busy with polishing off her meal. He was a real sweetheart, that was for sure. Feri's mind turned to the old Fereldan myth of Mabari and their human's becoming extremely similar in their mannerisms due to an age-old bond, forged between companions. She couldn't help but agree with that one; Rannon seemed sweet too. However, it was safe to say that he certainly smelled a lot better than poor old Gideon. [@POOHEAD189]