[@EmzyOfNeverland] My character is finished! Here's a Repost of the CS so you don't have to go digging around! [hider=Forrest Foxtrot] [center] [color=c4df9b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/a4/23/97a423ac085995c1836e8756bdaf7b15.jpg[/img] [sup]"Even if it makes me blind I just wanna see the light Breathing, leave it all behind"[/sup] Name: Forrest Foxtrot Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Forrest is tall standing at a mighty 6'5" which is supported by a strong body of lean muscle making him weigh around 185 pounds. Forrest has very long brown hair that reaches up to his mid back and lazily tied up to make sure it doesn't get in the way of combat and atop them is a pair of brown and white fox ears, oddly enough he lacks human ears, which might explain the addition of his long brown fox tail. His skin is tanned and scarred from combat and often being out in the wilderness back in his home country. Forrest's fashion sense is lazily fashionable, out of uniform Forrest is often seen in a simple black dress outfit consisting of a dress shirt, dress pans, dress shoes, and finally a red hair tie. Species: Faunus - Bat Eared Fox Aura: Pale Green Symblance: Photokinetic Invisibility - Forrest when he activates his Semblance can become invisible in direct light. It has to be direct light or else he is visible and depending on how dark the it is, he may even glow. The more lit a shaded area is the more transparent he is. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Team:[/color] [color=8882be]Team SFYR[/color] [color=c4df9b]Where Are They From: Menagerie Personality: Forrest's most notable trait is his fatalistic sense of humor, as he causally jokes about murder, deaths, violence, and the crushing weight of living as a Faunus. But besides his Fatalistic sense of humor he is also incredibly spiteful, doing things just to spite others or rules, often to the dread of teammates. He is also incredibly volatile, head strong, as well as very stubborn in his ways often to the point of self destruction. He can be considered bloodthirsty and cruel in combat often fighting brutally and without restraint to the point of exhaustion. But for all his flaws, Forrest is hopeful, while he says he went to Atlas to prove his point about the worthlessness and oppressiveness of Humanity, yet he secretly wants to see himself wrong and sees that humanity isn't just a mistake that needs to be ended. Forrest is also kind, protective, and gentle towards his follow Faunus and maybe even a few humans if they can prove themselves to him. He is also determined, hardy, and ultimately has a strong sense of morals even if it had soured a bit over the years. Bio: Forrest was born in Menagerie as the fifth of ten kids, as well as being the only boy of the Foxtrot clan. Forrest and his sisters all got along with only a few fights here and there while growing up. But his two oldest sister's were members of the White fang a group of Faunus fighting for Faunus justice. For the longest time Forrest looked up to the White Fang and wanted to be a member of the then peaceful group. When he was younger he was an optimistic kid who believed that peaceful means will get the Faunus justice. But it didn't happen. Instead conflict during protests became violent, all his older sisters got hurt and one died from wounds. Forrest became embittered by this changed in event and thought the change in the White Fan's tactics were right. Once he was old enough Forrest joined the White Fang and trained to become a Field Agent for the group. He was skilled at it, his Semblance allowed him into places people would never expect an Agent in, he caused lots of property damage and espionage work for the White Fang. But the longer he was in the White Fang the more he questioned the group's morality as times they seemed to be doing things that were dubious and underhanded as a group, but he never voiced his opinions nor concerns since he still believed the White Fang were right and just. When Forrest was becoming of age to start training as a Huntsmen the White Fang had an idea for Forrest. He would infiltrate Atlas Academy as a Student and learn about their combat tactics, weapon capability, and other useful information for the next four years while training as a Huntsmen. Forrest was hesitant but he nevertheless agreed to the idea and made his way to Atlas, and with the help of the White Fang he got faked credentials from Mistral, but due to his skill the credentials weren't questioned nor looked into. Forrest got into Atlas academy easily and now he just has to stay there for four more years and hopefully by then he won't be discovered. Likes: Faunus, Justice, Fighting, Spite, Dancing Dislikes: Humans, Injustice, Passiveness, Singing, The Cold Strengths: - In Direct light Forrest can be hard to track and easy to lose which gives him time to sneak attack. - Forrest is a brutally strong melee fighter with incredible strength and agility, he also has decent short-medium range attacks. - Forrest is a skilled fighter and combatant knowing the flow of battle and how to control Grimm or other enemies to better defeat them - Forrest has heighten senses of hearing, smell and sight - Forrest has a strong moral compass and is compassionate and determined to set things right. Weaknesses: - He is easily spotted in shade or shadows as he glows in the dark due to his semblance - He lacks any long range capability and depends on allies to deal with distant threats - When he's taken by surprised he has a hard time adjusting to a new plan of attack for tactics that worked previously - He can get overwhelmed due to his heighten sense - Forrest see's only in black and white, no grays or is willing to understand moral complexity, which might cause trouble. Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULHeRdgeT54]"I just wanna see the light"[/url] Extra: [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/f481/i/2016/190/9/0/_eon_eclypse_____oblivion_oath____rwby_oc_weapons_by_darkusl0rd-da9fk7h.jpg[/img] Open Impetus - is a pair of Sword-Guns that is used for quick and brutal attacks from the light. Its strongest asset is it's fluid and quick transformation between sword and gun allowing quick changes in attack range making him a very adaptable fighter. The weapon is light and easy to carry, and it's comparatively quiet compared to other weapons. [/color] [/center] [/hider]