[center] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/70a89b8d17271877f637d2f597c4cb44/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o4_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/56d9f1d88b02d0758175c87a777af2f2/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o5_250.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170202/731e61a91068ab50b96249ea99437173.png[/img] [b][u][color=FA8072]Interacting With:[/color][/u][/b] James [@A Tattooed Girl] [hr][/center] Once Kira had made it onto the field with the rest of the students, she almost couldn't believe her eyes; It was like something straight out of [i]Adventureland[/i]. From the sound of things during first period, Kira knew that there would probably be a few small activities for the students to partake in, but she had no idea that it would be like this. [color=FA8072]"They'd never do anything like [i]this[/i] back home,"[/color] Kira muttered under her breath as she checked out the scenery, [color=FA8072]"cheap fuckers."[/color] After a quick look around, Kira decided that her first stop would be to one of the carnival games. The objective of the game was to toss as many rings over the glass bottles as possible before the time ran out. She played a few more games and, before she knew it, Kira had about a book-bag full of small stuffed animals, prizes from winning the game. Rather than keeping them, however, she decided to hand them out to random students as they passed by, not wanting to have to carry all of them home. After giving away the last prize, Kira made a beeline for one of the food trucks. She bought two slices of pepperoni pizza before finding an empty seat on the bleachers. It wasn't until after she took a few bites of her pizza that she noticed the boy sitting not too far away. She instantly recognized him from first period, and wracked her brain for his first name. After a moments struggle, she finally remembered that it was [i]James[/i]. In his vicinity sat two street tacos and a large order of extremely cheesy nachos. The way he was eating made it seem as though he hadn't had a meal in months. [color=FA8072]"Those must be some bomb ass nachos,"[/color] Kira said lightheartedly before taking another bite of pizza.