[quote=@BCTheEntity] [@tobiax] Sounds good to me. Dracula and Frankenstein are both relatively specific myths/tales, so a Lindworm-based character is excellent. Now we just need our fourth person to have a connection to... well, some form of monster, if they can think of something reasonably specific, rather than a generic creature like werewolves or ghosts. If we're talking werewolves, maybe Beowulf's Grendel? Or Norse mythology's Fenrir, or what have you. [/quote] I like it. I can mix in some other things too. I thought Grendel was more of a troll... but okay. Fenrir is sick tight. And if we do get a werewolf themed character (who'd be more fun as not a Faunus I think?) we'd have the four classic monsters. [quote=@Mangrale] [@tobiax][@BCTheEntity][@Turboshitter] Hmm... Perhaps I will try and go with you guys, if that's okay. [/quote] Welcome aboard explorer! [img]http://www.cornel1801.com/disney/Finding-Nemo-2003/pictures/23.jpg[/img]