Ursaren couldn't help but lose his jolly facade as he wandered into the ruined village. There were dead lining the streets, blood strewn everywhere, and children decapitated, their heads in one place while their body was in another, barreled over into a pile of slumping silence. Never had the old man seen this before, and never had he felt so... so off-put by the stench of the deceased. The eyes of the old man wandered the various streets of the village, stopping when he saw the slow and steady motion of a canine breathing. As Alice had been under the spell of dizziness, Ursaren quickly limped to the canine, and sadly found it lying in a pool of it's own blood, it's organs spilled out into a pile beside it. The sight made the old man lurch with disgust, but he regained a sense of composure as he tried to bring his hands over the dying dog in order to try and keep it from passing to the other side. Alas, the dog was surrounded by a golden glow of light, but it remained the complete same. The damage was irreversible at this point, and the dog was suffering so much. With a heavy sigh, the old man that tried to save it stood up and aimed his weapon at the dog's head, and with one clean stab, the canine died with a loud whimper. When Ursaren returned to the scouting group, they could easily see that he had just shed a few tears while he put the dog down, and it was even more evident with the trident above him trickling blood down the rest of the points. It was clear that he was not in a good mood, and he desperately wanted to avenge these lost souls by bringing justice down upon whoever was responsible for this. This was also reflected in his reaction to the scavenger that was crouching over a small girl's body. After Alice asked him if the scavenger was a friend or a foe, the old man spoke up in a very grizzly voice to the man, drawing his trident and shield while he did. [b]"I hope you weren't the one who did this!"[/b]