[@GrizzTheMauler] [color=ed1c24]Tarquin[/color] Quin's smile grew as Magnus never let go, a small blush forming on the gingers face. "So, what's it gonna take to fix it?" he asked, making small talk as Fang jumped around him. [@Emma] [color=39b54a]Niklaus[/color] Nik led Maggie to the infirmary to get out if he fight between Victor and the others. He watched as the team of servants circled the man. He looked towards Maggie. "I don't know, Mags but he's someone. Let's see what we can do, okay?" he said walking over to Gunnar. "What, going on, Gun?" [@KimmiNinja] [color=0076a3]Caspen[/color] Caspen nodded at her, fists clenched and teeth gritted. Emily was everything to him and Italy brought terrible memories. He very well knew that. He needed to blow of steam and Gunnar or his father would be happy about it after. "Let's go, Alice." ------ Grizz, maybe we can have Duvalt visit Dashiell soon or someone.