[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vGuXstI.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Natalia sat cross-legged on her bed with the usual warm cup of tea in between her hands. They'd been given roughly an hour to prepare for the mission, and given that she had gotten ready at a relatively quick pace, she decided to take 5 to 10 minutes of that time to just relax and let her mind flow freely. As she looked out her window, Natalia couldn't help but picture Arthur from when she saw him not too long ago. The thought alone made the young woman blush, although she would never tell a soul about her attraction towards the man 8 years her senior and likewise, she never acted any different when he was around. She always enjoyed his company though as he was a very easy-going person to talk to, and since they've been at the ORO for 5 years, she's gotten the chance to talk to him more so than she's interacted with anyone else. Not only was he good a good talker (and listener), but she loved his eyes. Sometimes she would catch herself staring at them as if they were the only thing in the room. With such thought, she snapped out of her trance. Natalia took one final, long sip from her cup before she set it down and proceeded to grab her stuff. [hr]Now in the meeting room, Natalia waited by the window to receive their final instructions, but she didn't have to wait long. Given some information they were already aware of, Natalia couldn't help but tense up at the fact that this was already a dangerous mission and their group was just about ready to leave the house.