[hider=WIP][center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ZFmCho3.jpg[/IMG] "There's no place like Atlas, huh? Heheh... [i]there's no place like Atlas, there's no place like Atlas, [b]there's no place like Atlas!...[/b][/i]" [hider=click for slightly more fanservice-y pic][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cPRsIIa.jpg[/IMG][/hider][/center] Name: Nimmie Zinnschmidt Gender: Female Age: forever 17 (self-proclaimed; she was created or "born" only a few years prior to Penny) Species: Android Sexual Orientation: Robosexual Team: WNTR Place of Origin: Atlas Personality: A curious, fun-loving and adventurous girl who just happens to be a robot. She finds talking to people to be interesting and engaging but also exhausting, and will often retreat to tinker with machines when she can no longer handle being around other people (because they're much more "simple"). While not as socially inept as her replacement, Penny, she is an awful, awful liar, and often finds herself in awkward situations going to extreme lengths to try and convince people she's not a robot. However, no matter how much of a sweet little pushover she is, she's still a Huntress, and will always fight back against the mean people and Grimm, adopting a cocky and sarcastic attitude to convince people she means business. Bio: A long time ago, a woodsman fell in love with a beautiful girl enslaved by a wicked witch. Though she longed to see him, the witch would not let her marry, for it would mark the end of the girl's service to the witch. Convincing her it would bring her closer to seeing her true love, the witch enchanted a woodsman's axe for the girl to give to her love, unaware that for every swing of the axe, the cursed tool would extract a pound of flesh as payment. In the course of his work, the woodsman lost more and more of himself to his lover's gift, and although she cared not about the woodsman's deformities, so long as they could be together, the witch's gift she had given him out of love eventually took its tool, and all at once the woodsman lost his heart with which he could have loved her, his feelings replaced with the ache of cold metal. Like many stories and legends in Remnant, there is truth to this folk-tale. However, unlike the story where the munchkin girl eventually found love again and the tin man found his heart, reality is far harsher. The tin man's heart was lost because of his love, this is true, but she was lost as well. Dead, claimed in battle by the hands of the wicked witch, who swept the land clean of good hunters and huntresses. It could be said that although the tin man eventually fixed his body in the aftermath of that bloody war, his heart couldn't go on without her. He pleaded with the great wizard, praying that something could be done to return his lost love to him. The wizard... offered an alternative. Using a machine the wizard had built, the tin woodsman tried to ferry his love's soul into the body of a mechanical golem, a simulacrum of life that could house her essence, and bring her back to life. It worked... almost. Though the golem had the soul of his lost love, it had none of the memories, none of the feelings she had had for him. She was but a shadow, a hollow mockery of what had once been. Nothing but a reminder of what the tin woodsman had lost. Still, he treated her like a daughter, and when she asked him what she could do to help him, he asked her "what are you willing to give up?" To make a long story a bit shorter, that golem's name was Nimmie. For many years, she justified her existence and hid the evidence of her father's mistakes by participating in experiments that would help Atlas scientists understand what could make a Dust-powered machine think and feel, as well as produce Aura. Though they never learned of their headmaster Ironwood's secret or Nimmie's past, eventually their work gave birth to Penny, the first truly synthetic being capable of producing an Aura unaided. With this unqualified success, it seemed as though Nimmie's purpose had been fulfilled. Free to follow her electric dreams and choose her own path, she asked her father only one thing. If an android could dream of electric sheep, could one be a Huntress too? Likes: Tinkering with machines, Chopfyt, listening to music, lollipops Dislikes: Nature, Grimm, mean people, magnets Weapon(s):[list] [*][b]Chopfyt:[/b] A rocket-propelled battleaxe as tall as Nimmie whose head can detach from the handle and be swung around like a ball and chain on a 20m length of carbon-fibre wire. Using its enormous boosters, it can be guided at a distance with its head detached or swung with increased force when fully retracted. However the strength required to hold on to the axe is phenomenal, and a rocket-propelled swing at top speed may just tear the user's own arm off on the backswing. [*][b]Ruby Slippers:[/b] The name Nimmie gave to a pair of red sneakers she invented that contain much smaller rocket boosters in the soles. By tapping her heels together, Nimmie can produce a quick burst of thrust in any direction, or "jump" once, twice, or even three teams in the air. She cannot fly however. When asked why she chose to color them ruby-red, she responded "because the red ones go faster".[/list] Semblance: ??? Strengths: Heavy-hitter, very maneuverable, immune to pain & most forms of grievous bodily harm Weaknesses: Magnets, her weapon has a limited range and no projectiles, rocket boosters are liable to sometimes rip her arms off on the backswing Theme Song: D.D. (English ver.)- Itou Kanako Misc: Her favorite flavor of lollipop is "grape", followed by "cherry", "green apple", "watermelon", and finally "blue raspberry" IN THAT EXACT ORDER.[/hider]