[h2]Introducing: Link Duel Go![/h2] Hey you there! You look like you could use an app on your phone that will make you get of your lazy bum. Well you're in luck! Introducing Link Duel Go! A revolutionary application. How does it work you ask? It's simple. First you register with it and it will make you either a mage or familiar in the game, accurate to what you are in real life. The app will have a current location tracker and show nearby areas and terrain. In the game there are entities and points of interest. Some areas you may find treasure, which can go into your game credits, and some areas you will find monsters. You will start out with one type of magic or ability, depending on if you're a familiar or a mage. As a mage fighting and taking down these monsters or finding hidden treasure will allow you to unlock more spells and even new types of magic! As a familiar defeating these monsters or finding the treasure will increase your current ability strength and sometimes allow the collection of even more abilities, the strength and rarity of the ability/ magic all depends on the monster or hidden treasure. In the game it is also possible to form bonds between mages and familiars, and then use your acquired spells and abilities to take on other people, usually in a 2v2 fashion. Bonded partners yield more loot and do better, as in real life. So what are you waiting for?! Go get it, go on. (Welcome to Link Duel Go! Basically this world's equivalent of Pokemon Go, except the pokemon are objectives that have to conquered in order to level up and become more powerful. Then you can duel your friends with your amassed power. The more powerful the magic or ability the rarer the objective. For familiars, finding an enigma ability in the game is extremely extremely rare, and thus it is worth alot more, anyway this is my latest development. More content will be launched in the upcoming days :D )