As the title states, I am looking for a roleplay with a male( I'm female ), where we can roleplay as a couple, or as friends who eventually become a couple. I'd really prefer 18+, due to drugs, etc. Also would prefer a male. A few different ideas: [i]*Good girl turned Stripper who meets a bad boy, probably deal with drug abuse, partying, abuse, crazy love, robbing places..[/i] [i]*A couple(or friends) who escape from a dying oppressive space colony, only to have to fend and survive the vast universe together in a shuttlecraft, dealing with things such as attacks, search for resources..[/i] [i]*Medieval Fantasy times, where one or both is called to a quest in search of something grand, and must embark on a long journey to search of such.[/i] [i]*Zombie Apocalypse, walking dead style, could start in an apartment complex or something, but slowly have to transverse the world..[/i] I'm open to suggestions and willing to expand on an idea or start a new one?